Congratulations to Xie Chen and Thomas Vidick for being selected as 2021 Simons Investigators. Simons Investigators are outstanding theoretical scientists who receive a stable base of research support from the foundation, enabling them to undertake the long-term study of fundamental questions.

xie chen & thomas vidick simons investigators

Xie Chen and Thomas Vidick, Simons Investigators 2021

Xie Chen was recognized for her work in Physics; she studies exotic topological phenomena that can emerge in strongly interacting quantum many-body systems. Her recent work on fracton phases generalized the notion of phase and universality to properly capture the unusual “beyond topology phenomena discovered in certain quantum error-correction codes.

Thomas Vidick’s research is at the interface of theoretical computer science quantum information and cryptography. He is known for his work in the theory of quantum interactive proofs, including results on device-independent cryptography, certified randomness and the complexity of quantum multiprover interactive proof systems. The study of quantum entanglement provides a unifying goal behind all these areas and a focal point for his current research.

Read more about the Simons Investigators at the Simons Foundation website.